We’re about to complete the pilot phase of our big project to work with all academic departments to update their web pages to new templates and optimised content. Here’s an update on what we’ve done so far and what’s coming next.
Posts tagged with departments
Friends in high places: Getting to know department heads
During our series of offer holder communications last year, we saw some of our best engagement with an email containing a written message from the Head of Department. This year, we decided to take it one step further and record video messages.
360 captures: Seeing things from all sides
We’ve been using 360 capture to showcase our accommodation for a couple of years now, but it was only this year that we realised that they could be a great way of letting students into our academic facilities too.
How Phil and Sean produce illustrations
Have you ever wondered how a designer comes up with an illustration? Phil and Sean from our graphic design team discuss their process for creating an illustration, and how the new prospectus covers and departmental brochures came to be.
Introducing the new department brochures
One of our biggest projects during the past year has been the introduction of a new undergraduate brochure for each academic department.
Course pages: a milestone five years in the making
Picture the scene. It’s 2014, on a chilly December afternoon. In a small office in the basement of Heslington Hall, the website publish has just finished, and with it, seven new course pages have gone live. They look something like this…
A new look for our Open Days
If you spent any time in the Exhibition Centre during the latest Open Days, you may have noticed some changes to the department stands.