I am second year student on the BSc Film and Television Production course at the University of York. I'm a member of Langwith College and in my first year at York, I lived in halls on the Heslington …
Placement or No Placement?
Hi, my name is Becci and I am in my final year at the university, studying Accounting, Business Finance and Management (ABFM for short, as it is a bit of a mouthful). As I have just returned to the …
4/9 of a Biology Degree
Hello, readers! I hope you're all having a good week. It’s an exciting time, when you’re looking forward to the next year and finishing school as well. You might be considering York, but may not have …
Welcome to Social Policy and Applied Social Science at York!
Hi there, Thought for my first post I'd just give an introduction to what studying at York is like and why I chose it. I fell in love with York pretty much as soon as I stepped off the train …
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Philosophy at York…What’s it like?
Studying Philosophy, you may be surprised at how little time you'll spend in lectures and seminars, but don't think this is because the course is relaxed – as in any university course, you'll need to …
Interactive Media at York
Arts and sciences are often thought of at opposite ends of the academic spectrum. Consequently, as both a design and tech enthusiast, this made my degree choice difficult. The Interactive media degree …