Hello everyone. I’m Kaity, I’ve just finished my final year of an integrated Masters in Environmental Science here at the University of York. Throughout my four years, sport has been central to my …
Settling in and making friends at uni
When coming to university, one of my (and everyone else’s) main fears was the following question that kept haunting me until my arrival: What should I do if I don’t make any friends, or what if people …
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Preparing to live on campus – what the university and college system has to offer
Moving away from home to live on campus can be really daunting but the university offers plenty of activities to make the transition as smooth and as easy as possible. These different events and …
Getting involved – sport and societies at York
Although very cliché, finding 'your people' is probably one of the most important things at uni. This can be through your college, your course, a society or club; it's the only time in your life when …
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Running towards a better uni life: societies at York
There aren’t many universities with societies as diverse as those of York. From our Disney Society to our Louis Theroux Society (yes, seriously this does exist); York caters to all tastes. However, I …
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Joining societies at York
Societies are one of the best bits about going to a university. They let you meet loads of new people while trying new things or continuing something you already love. At school, you might have …