Hi, I’m Lily a third year PPE student who is involved (and LOVES) both college and uni netball. For those who aren’t aware, York is split into colleges. You can compete in different sports against …
Where The Wild Roses Grow
Run by the University of York Students’ Union, the Roses tournament has a long history. Starting life as a boat race, today the contest features some 50 sports, from American Football to underwater …
Joining the York community: an interview with our students
What's it like to settle into the York family? We sat with three students to talk ducks, dreams, dinners, and the everlasting magic of friendship. So, looking back to the start of uni, what was …
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Student societies, one of the best parts of the university experience
Student societies are probably one of my favourite things at university. I think it plays an important role in one’s university experience, and you definitely should get involved. With over 200 …
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My Experience of Sport at York
Hello everyone. I’m Kaity, I’ve just finished my final year of an integrated Masters in Environmental Science here at the University of York. Throughout my four years, sport has been central to my …
Getting involved – sport and societies at York
Although very cliché, finding 'your people' is probably one of the most important things at uni. This can be through your college, your course, a society or club; it's the only time in your life when …
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