Hello! So your time to start university is getting closer, and although for you the 3rd year might seem a long way off, it will almost certainly come around much quicker than you ever expected …
The big question?
Hello, I thought I would now throw you in at the midwifery deep end with the big question - integrated or block placements? The answer to this question will depend on how you want to spend your …
Chocolates, Chemistry and Christmas
I am still madly in love with Christmas. I get excited about the lights being put up from probably about August. Unfortunately, at Christmas, this year, like all my years at school and like many on …
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My life as a nursing student!
It's a cold day in December, my alarm goes off at 05.30 and I rush to catch the bus ready for another day on placement. The sky is still dark and the cold hits my face. As I arrive, handover begins …
Placement or No Placement?
Hi, my name is Becci and I am in my final year at the university, studying Accounting, Business Finance and Management (ABFM for short, as it is a bit of a mouthful). As I have just returned to the …