Pre-university nerves – something that we are all told is completely normal and everyone will experience. Whilst I was looking …
Search Results for: preparing for university
Preparing for uni and Freshers’ Week
I knew I wanted to study at York as soon as I first came on the Open Day. It was the first university I looked at, my family and I …
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Weekly Adventures of a Health Sciences Student at the University of York
Hi, I'm Camila. I am an international student completing a Masters in Public Health program, in Health Sciences. I’ve been at the …
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Preparing for your exams…
Revising over the Christmas holidays is not always the most exciting thing to do. All you want to do is spend time with your …
How I stay organised and productive at University
Phew. Christmas is over, all my assignments are handed in and a new term lies ahead of us. As I'm preparing for Spring term, I'm …
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University interview day….your chance to shine!
Interview day can be nerve-wracking for prospective students with feelings of excitement, fear and panic all rolled …
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My top tips for settling in
If you’re reading this, I’m going to assume that you’re coming to York in September - yay! Or you’re at least considering it, …
How to prepare for studying in the UK as an international student
Preparing to study abroad is very exciting. It can also get a bit nerve-racking when adapting to an unfamiliar environment. Here I …
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How to feel prepared for academic life at York
Settling into a UK university is very exciting. You are starting a new life in a different country, making new friends and getting …
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Clearing: A Parent’s Perspective
Wondering what it's like as a parent or supporter for your prospective student to go through Clearing? We sat down with Karen, …