Hello all! I hope that you’ve all had an enjoyable Easter break. Well, ‘hope’ is rather wishful thinking for this time of the …
Search Results for: preparing for university
Education, Education, Education
For most people (including me), questioning education is not something one does as they grow up. The bells, the uniform, the …
Confessions of a York Law Student
First Year In first year things are a little different, you only have to do normal Problem Based Learning (PBL) because you don't …
Careers Help
I know it's a little early to start thinking about careers, but let it comfort you that at York, you have a lot of guidance and …
Wading Through a Winter Waterland
Well exams are finally over! I hope my time at university doesn't give me a lasting association of Christmas with revision. But I …
Exams, Coursework and Internships…term 2 of a computer scientist
As I take my seat in the Ron Cooke Hub lecture hall, I sink into my chair and feel relieved that January exams are over. This term …
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The E.C.O.N.O.M.I.C.S of studying Economics at York
Happy New Year and welcome back on the York Blogs page for Economics! So you want to start this year off right? Here are the top 9 …
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Survival skills which work on your CV
Looking back to when I first visited the University of York at the 2013 open day, I only focused on the basics. But amidst the …
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Computer Science At York
Going into a computer science degree, you always get the stereotypical view from others that you're going into your first year …
Why I chose York
Hi there! My name's Adam Bruce, and I'm a Second Year Writing, Directing and Performance student here at the University of York, …