Expanding our CMS training toolbox

Here in Communications, it’s our job to train staff across the University to use the Web Content Management System and help them to maintain their respective sections of the University website.

However, we’re aiming to do more than just tell users how to use the Web CMS on a practical level – we want to empower them to make great web pages. Enter our new Web CMS training module: ‘Creating content for the web’.

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Using content groupings to visualise user journeys in Google Analytics.

We are frequently asked how users navigate through our website and it feels like this should be easy enough to answer using Google Analytics. However, knowing how users get from their landing page to their exit page can be a pretty complex question!

Continue reading Using content groupings to visualise user journeys in Google Analytics.

How to tame your Content Management System

Sometimes, our Web Content Management System (CMS) can seem like a mysterious mythical creature. It can look a little complex when you’re less experienced in editing web content, but that’s why I’m here – my role as Publishing Support Officer is to help you navigate the features of the CMS and support you in producing some fantastic content!

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