Welcome to graduation

Humble beginnings

I believe it was Gandhi who once said: “Morning! Suzy is looking at refreshing the graduation pages and I thought that might be a smallish project you could work on with her?” It was February when he said this, I think. It was him or Annie Heinsen, my once-trusted line manager.

Little did we know.

As we now race towards our virtual ceremonies at the end of August, we’ve almost wrapped up on two new hubs for us all to get excited about. Here’s how they happened.

Continue reading Welcome to graduation

How to write a winning marketing email – part two: creating the content

Following on from our last post, How to write a winning marketing email – the nuts and bolts – here are some of the most important things you should think about when creating content for marketing emails.

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How to write a winning marketing email – part one: the nuts and bolts

Email marketing is an important part of our activity communicating with prospective students. Unlike other marketing methods, email allows you to get content directly in front of students. The tricky part is getting the student to actually open the email, but if done correctly, it can be a powerful conversion tool.

Continue reading How to write a winning marketing email – part one: the nuts and bolts

Shooting on site: photographing the Trevor Jones Studio

If you’ve seen a prospectus recently, chances are you’ve seen the work of our fantastic in-house photographer Alex Holland. He’s written a blog post covering photography for this year’s undergraduate prospectus (featuring an airborne me) which gives a great insight into the creative process from concept to completion.

Continue reading Shooting on site: photographing the Trevor Jones Studio