Imagine you are applying for a job that requires critical thinking, or you are working on your dissertation but are unsure about choosing the correct statistical method, or you simply want to enhance …
What could you expect from your university experience?
I remember before I started university about how many college teachers or family members emphasised the difference between college and university. Mostly on the fact that a lot of the work you need to …
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Joining the York community: an interview with our students
What's it like to settle into the York family? We sat with three students to talk ducks, dreams, dinners, and the everlasting magic of friendship. So, looking back to the start of uni, what was …
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Natural Sciences at York in 16 pictures
Are you interested in learning about what studying Natural Sciences at York is like? Here I show you my experience so far in 16 pictures, ranging from the places around campus you could see to the …
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Where to get lunch on campus
There are many places to grab lunch on campus, but which is the best? Which one would I eat at for the rest of my life? Here's the Navin list of the "Top 4 Lunch Spots on …
My favourite places on the Uni of York campus
Hi, I'm George. I'm a third year Business of the Creative Industries student. Here's my video on my favourite places on campus, including the spots I like to study and socialise in. …
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