By now, you’re probably eagerly awaiting your offers or even prepping for interviews. While some of you could not be more excited to start uni, a lot of you might also feel a tiny bit unsure about …
Spinning Plates – it can be done!
As a mature Masters Student studying Global Marketing, I considered that doing an internship would be invaluable experience and I was eager to find one. I couldn’t believe how many opportunities there …
Assessments, internships and holidays
I hope the Easter break has been enjoyable for us all? It went by so quickly, as has our second year at university. It’s been great fun so far but the time has come to put our heads down for the final …
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Work work work work work….
I’m now well and truly on the “home straight” of my degree (which I cannot believe as I’m writing this!) and in the last year I’ve been thinking a lot about work and what I’m doing next. Where is …
‘I Don’t Just Want an Office Job’
I've been at home recently for Easter, spending some time with my family, and generally just neglecting the copious amounts of work that I have to do for the next term with regard to assessments. …
Is it really the end of term?
I'm sat in the library writing this after a very fulfilling and busy second half of term. Work has been going well and everything that was due at the end of this term has been submitted and I'm now …