There's so much more to being a student at York than lectures and studying, here's just a few things I've been up to recently to give you a taste of what else student life offers here :) Dance …
10 reasons why I chose York, and why you should too
To be perfectly honest, choosing where to study was a really tough call, and it was only after I started exploring the city and everything the University had to offer that I fell in love with it. If …
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Careers Help
I know it's a little early to start thinking about careers, but let it comfort you that at York, you have a lot of guidance and support along the way. Careers Advice At York we have our own law …
Societies and Careers, time to explore!
Societies play a huge part of university life here at York. They’re central to the student-organised activities at university and provide the best way of finding other people that are interested in …
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The E.C.O.N.O.M.I.C.S of studying Economics at York
Happy New Year and welcome back on the York Blogs page for Economics! So you want to start this year off right? Here are the top 9 skills I think you need to succeed on the course and make the most of …
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First Impressions of a Second Year
Well week 8 has come to a close, last year this term seemed like an age, now university life just seems to be going faster and faster. I blinked and two months had shot by. It’s almost like the summer …