To start off my week right, I typically like to hit the gym before I go for my lectures. It gets me into a good headspace, raring to begin the week. I normally go to the gym on campus due to its large variety of weight training stations.
My first module for the week is Perception and Cognition. We currently are focusing on attentional cues. After my 1-3pm lecture, I set off home for dinner and to read through my notes.
In the evening, provided I do not have any tutorials scheduled for the day, I attend Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training. Training consists of warm ups and sparring. I have come to enjoy this sport a lot despite initially picking it up on a whim.
On Tuesdays, I have my Language and Development module scheduled for 11-1pm. As I find this module one of the more theoretically complex ones to grasp, I wake up around 9am to go through the slides and readings before the lecture.
After the lecture, I like to grab lunch with a few of my coursemates on campus. Typically, we go to Vedge, the new vegetarian bistro on campus.
Wednesday tends to be a busy day for me. I have my Brain and Behaviour lectures scheduled on Wednesday at 11-1pm. Then due to my role as a course representative, I often have meetings with Psychology staff. It’s a chance to bring students’ issues or concerns to our tutors and course leaders. Afterwards I return home to get some work done, be it note-making or assignments.
In the evening, I come back to campus for my Muay Thai training. I had always wanted to pick up the martial art as a kid, so having the opportunity to learn at university is something I am very thankful for.
On Thursday my Social, Personality and Abnormal Psychology lectures starting off at a bright and early at 9am.
After the lecture, I go to a PsychSoc meeting. PsychSoc is the society for pscyhology students and it holds regular social events. Due to my role as the secretary, I am responsible for scheduling events and contacting our sponsors and event organisers.
Recently, we pulled off our PsychSoc winter formal. Despite the struggles and road-bumps we faced, it was well worth it. I am excited to see what 2020 has in store for us as a society!

Typically, I either have a Research Methods lecture and/or practical scheduled on this day. Following this, I usually go to the library to catch up on additional reading to fill in the gaps on what I may have overlooked during lectures.
I usually either have dinner out in town or a friend over to celebrate getting through the week. Going out lets me explore York a little more, as I spend most of my time on campus during the week. York is a really quaint and beautiful, historical town. I would strongly recommend taking time to explore the many winding streets and independent shops.
At the weekend, I like to go to the farmers’ markets in town to get some local produce for the week. Either that, or I stock up on food for the week in Morrison’s. Once the groceries are done, I usually deep-clean my room just to get it ready for the week ahead.
Then I review the content I have learnt over the last week. This helps me ensure that I am ready for the following week, and gives me a chance to smooth out any misunderstandings or misconceptions, be it with friends through a study date or by contacting my lecturers with questions.
I usually end up in the gym to end the week on an upbeat note. I’ve found that a healthy balance between exercise and study really helps me optimise my mental capacity and energy for projects I have to finish.
My week is hectic with study, socials and hobbies, but I get a lot out of it.
Hello. I’m from India with my last exam remaining by the end of this month. Earlier these few weeks, I’ve been stressing over the university I want make my abode from September this year (I’ve received unconditional offers from York and 2 more). And I was really worried about the the module of Brain and Behavior. I’m actually a humanities student. I haven’t done mathematics nor biology in my last 2 years of schooling. Since maths practically hates me, I’m worried if I’ll be bombarded with that devil in this course. Also the word ‘neuropsychology’ itself seems so empirical and analytical, I’m worried if I’ll be able to cope up with that. If its not too much trouble, can you put some light on this?
In all honesty, I’ve fallen in love with psychology and I’m certainly reved up to delve deeper into it…
Hi, one of our Psychology students, Graidey, has replied to your comment on the Psychology at York – The Best Decision I Ever Made post 🙂